
10 02, 2024

Best Superbowl Taco Dip

2024-02-10T13:42:58-07:00February 10, 2024|Entertainment, Food, Sports|1 Comment

VIA SBINSIDER  |February 10th, 2024 With the football season coming to a close, NFL fans must have a fiesta to celebrate the game! That calls for Bebidas and food. The best Taco Dip of all time is as follows: 1 IB ground beef, browned 1 small onion chopped-cook with [...]

26 06, 2021

NFL Introduces Rainbow Flag For Refs To Throw When Players Aren’t Being Gay Enough

2021-07-09T18:05:58-07:00June 26, 2021|Culture War, Satire, Sports|0 Comments

Via Babylon Bee NEW YORK CITY, NY—Ever since the NFL’s recent announcement that “football is gay,” critics have challenged the organization to enact new enforcement measures to maintain an acceptable level of gayness at each game. Starting this season, The National Football League will allow refs to throw rainbow-colored flags [...]

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