Swinger’s Club seeks official HOA approval

SUBMITTED TO SBINSDER| December 32, 2024 

A new club for adult swingers has submitted their credentials to both HOA1 and HOA2 for recognition as an official club. If approved, the club members would have access to the meeting rooms and other shared amenities of SaddleBrooke, plus a place to install equipment.  Named SB Swingers, the club is proposing that HOA1 provide equipment for the practice of swinging. “We are asking for funding for both indoor and outdoor swinging equipment for our members,'” according to Anita Push, spokesperson for the group. 

 According to the official media release, “Our club will be open to all residents, experienced swingers or not. Those new to swinging will certainly be welcome and we have members who can coach them on the basics. “It is not that hard to get into swinging, all it takes is the right attitude and social lubrication for most newbies to get going,”  said Ms. Push. 

Indoor swinging contraption

“Physical conditioning is a side benefit besides getting to meet new people in SaddleBrooke in an unusual way, ” added the media release. The request is expected to appear on a future HOA board agendas. The cost for hardware and various parts are less than 2K. Members are expected to bring their own costumes and altimeters. “We don’t want our club members to reach heights that are too risky for older people”, said club spokesperson, Anita Push.  

The big question is to where the equipment is to be installed. According to Push. a shady spot is preferable but “we recommend to our members that they liberally apply sunscreen before each swinging session, just in case.” 

Nationally, swinging has become a popular club as older Americans are not as agile for golf or pickleball. “This is a low-impact sport which gives folks a chance to really get to know each other in an intimate way, added Push

SBINSIDER will update this fable when the club makes its presentation. 

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Ilsa Wolf
12 days ago

😆 😆