Coffee Questions on Friday the 13th! COMCAST, Oracle Road Entrance upgrade and more

VIA SBINSIDER| January 2023
A crowd of about 75 souls attended the Coffee with the GM Friday the 13th (truly lucky!) and the questions kept on coming for nearly an hour. Lead by John Reed and Vivian Timian, Reed started off by listing the on-going projects and their current status to wit:
Comcast Rollout News
The plethora of problems that have arisen with this upgrade prompted the HOA1 board to demand a change in road drilling vendors. Accordingly, Comcast has fired its current contractor and is the process of contracting with a different vendor. The streets where waterlines have been severed and had to be dug up for repair will take another 90 days to complete. That seems optimistic.

One of the many street canyons left by COMCAST
Fitness Center
The schedule has slipped. Originally a week was allotted for the project but Reed said with luck Monday the 23rd it will re-open. The Lap pool will open Monday, January 16th. The question was raised about a larger fitness exercise room and parking. Reed responded that in 2026 is a plan is to expand the Arts and Crafts building, and relocate the Bocce ball courts to a different location.
Oracle Entrance Upgrade
Vivian reported meeting with her counter-part Walt Yazzi in HOA2 and they are trying to make some changes to enhance the entrance. Because the entrance is an HOA2 property it is their responsibility and money is scarce. Vivian reported that residents expressed more interest in improving the looks of what we can control inside HOA1.

Possible new look on Oracle Road into SaddleBrooke
Lighted Stop Signs
Reed reported that the initial install of a lighted stop sign and the agenda item on the HOA1 board to install 11 more around the community. There was one resident who did not like the new lighting, even though it only illuminates for a few seconds when a car is at the intersection.
Some residents raised the issue of speeding and drivers ignoring stop signs. The majority of the group did not want speed bumps\tables due to the problem with golf carts, bikers and even joggers and walkers. Other resident noted that it seemed the worst offenders were on SaddleBrooke Boulevard with out-of-state licenses plates. Vivian said a speed study was done in November 2022 and it showed the cars were in compliance with posted speeds. Another set of data is being built and will be ready in February.
The rendering of a castle as a possible new entrance to Saddlebrooke first of all makes no sense to me when I hear the word Saddlebrooke, think of AZ, and then the expense. It is ugly. Our greatest feature and asset are the mountains. The theme of the entrance should be more southwestern and/or mountainous.
I believe the castle as an idea for the entrance upgrade is a joke (golly, I sure hope I’m right). More importantly, your idea of incorporating our mountain majesty into the entrance design is outstanding!