HOA1 5-Year planning moves forward

At a two hour and 45 minute meeting attended by about 25 people, the HOA1 board decided to give the go-ahead to Joe O’Conner and his sub-committee to continue the process of generating a 5 year plan for the association. As O’Conner explained the first steps were completed with the SWOT scheme, which provides a broad outline of resources and challenges the association faces.
O’Conner stated he relied very heavily on the many responses to the resident surveys that were returned earlier to shape the document. The subcommittee will now plow ahead with the hard work of putting details into the framework and residents will be part of the process. It is envisioned that several Townhall style meetings to gather interactive feedback.
Other items approved by the board included some maintenance items :
- Approved $33,166 from the Operating Fund to install metal caps on all the Clubhouse and Fitness Center truss tails.
- Approved $8,048 from the Replacement Reserve Fund for permanent holiday and safety lighting in the Clubhouse portico.
- Approved $30,128 from the Replacement Reserve Fund for renovation of the three women’s showers in the Fitness Center.
- Approved the SaddleBrooke One Five Year Plan as presented.
The Board and residents also welcomed back Vivian Timian the General Manager who was out on medical leave and board chair JoAnn Ellison thanked the other support staff who pitched to insure that the smooth operations of the HOA were not interrupted.
New Plants
In front of the HOA clubhouse several new art additions. Sculptured plants now grace the entrance as you can see.