HOA1 Coffee updates-HOA2 Master Plans

HOA1 Coffee
One of the best aspects of living in SaddleBrooke HOA1 is the monthly meeting in the Vistas with the residents. The meeting is usually lead by General Manager Vivian Timian who was absent this past Friday. According to the HOA1 Board members, Ms. Timian will return to her duties presently as she is out on medical leave. In her place, John Reed, Director of Operations was the host.
Reed discussed the various projects underway and planned:
Creative Arts\Wellness center is in deep planning stages and the design team will be meeting with all the various groups affected. In order to build anything, the plans will have to be approved by Pinal County and that process is also underway. One of the steps is a written notice to all residents in the area that will be affected.
Acacia intersection upgrade
Bocce ball courts will be resurfaced in October
Sound system in Vista upgrade to create a centralized control panel of all systems
Women’s showers: New tile proposed upgrade, needs board approval.
Lighting outside of Activities Center on the north side walkway up the slope. Residents near the walkway are objecting to any increase in lighting on the walkway.
Golf shop redesign and upgrade
- Improved WIFI in Fitness Center
The Road Runner Grill Noise
After an extensive overall, the residents discovered that the level of ambient sound makes it difficult to hear ordinary conversations. Reed reported acoustic panels are being under tables and in panel area. After the installation, a noise test will be conducted to determine its effectiveness and if more remediation is required.
HOA2 Master Plan Task Force
HOA2 is working through its growing pains as we have documented here with a special assessment and the hiring of Troon to manage the golf courses. With the special assessment vote in the rear view mirror, a task force was picked with the goal of reimagining the HOA2 facilities based on resident surveys and other sources.
The meeting was a dreaming session with all facilities on the table; restaurants, pickleball, tennis courts, golf, maintenance sheds, storage, meeting rooms and the Desert View Theater. While only a preliminary overview of the needs\wants of HOA2 the session provided an impressive array of ideas that while expensive, would positively enhance the residents lifestyle. One example, for tennis players, the courts at Desert View were oriented improperly so that they are nearly unusable several months of that year. One idea was to reduce the courts from 4 to 3 and properly align them and elevated them to provide covered parking.
To view the entire meeting you can click here:

EDITORS NOTE: You can watch the entire meeting in fast mode by clicking the Settings button and selecting a variety of speeds. 1.5 is recommended.
Many more planning meetings are planned as the vision is shaped and the Board wants input from the residents.