Wilson brings the Drama in “Motive and Denial”

SaddleBrooke has a multitude of amazingly talented residents in various areas of the arts. We have dancers, opera singers, poets, actors and artists. Many have had professional careers in New York, Paris London and other major centers of culture and arts.
One of those talented folks is our own Jay Wilson. A former many things, including lawyer and cattle wrangler and multiple times published author. A native Texan, he and his bride Marsha moved to SaddleBrooke for living his passions on and off the tennis courts. Wilson, an octogenarian still makes players 20 years his junior look slow and overmatched by his forehand weapon and terrific court movement. He also employs his artistic talents in the field of embroidery, providing gifts and memorabilia to many SaddleBrooke residents.
SBINSIDER promotes writers and other artists and on occasion and today you can download for FREE Jay’s short story “Motive and Denial”. The story concerns a pair of skiers who take an ill-advised shuttle bus up into the mountains during a raging storm. The skiers, male and female, have a history that was mildly put, extremely volatile.
Motive and Denial by Jay Wilson Download Link
For more great novels and novellas visit Jay Clayton Wilson at JCWnovels.com