Valley Fever! Protect Yourself and Your Dog
Editor’s note: This article will be expanded, but we wanted to get the information about canine vaccine out immediately.
On Monday July 24, Fariba Donovan, MD, PhD presented Updates in Coccidioidomycosis, sometimes known and California fever, desert rheumatism, San Joaquin Valley Fever, and here in Arizona, Valley Fever. Valley Fever is a fungal disease that affects some mammals including humans, dogs, and cats. Dr. Donovan is a research scientist at the University of Arizona Valley Fever Center of Excellence.
Symptoms for humans include a cough, chest pain, fever, fatigue, weight loss, bone and joint pain, skin rashes, and painful or intense itching. Not everyone gets a rash. The course of the illness runs from weeks to months, with one-third getting pneumonia.
In the last few years, the Center has developed a vaccine for dogs which should be available during the second half of this calendar year-check with your Veterinarian.
To find out more about this vaccine click HERE
After the dog vaccine reaches the market, the researchers are hoping for a human vaccine. The development of this vaccine will likely cost millions of dollars, but the process is starting at the University of Arizona Valley Fever Center of Excellence.
Wow! This is really exciting news. We lost our beloved dog Zoey 2 years ago to Valley Fever. I am thrilled to be able to protect our new puppy from this terrible disease.