***Jo Ann Ellison – a Board member – stressed she has an open phone policy to HOA1 residents. If you need to talk to a Board member – call Jo Ann – 520-825-7737.
***The updating /renovations of the Road Runner Grill (RRG) were discussed by Vivian (General Manager.) There will be a working session to discuss the actual plans and costs of what is being proposed. They are looking at doing both the kitchen/prep area (Back of the House) as well as the seating areas, patio and outside areas (Front of the house) at the same time so the RRG will be shut down and moved upstairs during construction. June 16th will be the Working Session – all are invited.
***ALC guidelines have been updated. Please see them online and review carefully – we have 30 days as homeowners to comment/challenge these existing/NEW guidelines. After that – they go in effect.
***ALC has asked Unit Reps to check on our Unit’s Mailboxes and Mailtubes and also the front yards for weeds. We are to let them know which ones need repairing/replacing/weed pulling. There were quite a few Mailtubes that are very loose. These 2 containers (Mailbox & Mailtube) are the homeowners responsibility. So beat the notice that the ALC will be sending and tighten up or repair your Mailtubes/Mailboxes. Oh and pull any front weeds.
***Does not sound like Trivia is coming back any time soon.
***Comcast continues to be a big issue and problem for HOA2 as well as for us here in HOA1. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take pictures of your driveways and front landscaping. HOA2 is having some problems with these areas – especially the driveways. Pictures do all your talking for you!
As a reminder there is a 9 foot easement from the dipped curbing on the street onto your property. 9 feet. That’s quite a bit of property that can be dug up. It’s not likely – but what’s Murphy’s Law – ? Comcast is behind schedule. The Phase Map will be published again in the Official Rep report.
***We are looking for a closet to store jigsaw puzzles for “give and take.” More to come on that later.
***Lizy the Lizard (Ridgeview and Idlewind wall) – is coming along nicely. The pottery club is working with a landscape architecture person and plans for Lizy are almost complete. Then the hard phase begins – the actual development of Lizy. This will be an exceptional piece of artwork and will add so much to the blank wall.
***HOA1 hired 2 more cooks this week. Looking at opening on Saturdays in mid July – fingers crossed. Still looking for serving staff.
***HOA1 are down 4 members of our Golf Maintenance Team – if you know of anyone looking for jobs…..we have some.
***Financials look great – Golf and Food& Beverage are both operating in the black!
***The updated dress code for residents while we are in our buildings will now be included in the “New Resident Binders” that we give out to each new resident. If you go online you can see this but if you need/want paper – please check in with the Admin office
***The RFID reader at our back gate is in operation after 10:00PM. You must have a RFID sticker – cost $20.00 at Admin – on your vehicle to let you into SaddleBrooke from this back gate after the gate closes at 10:00PM. You can always leave SaddleBrooke with no problem after 10:00PM using this gate but you need a RFDI sticker on your vehicle to get in.
***Don’t toss your HOA1 building keys away – most area keys were replaced by the “FOB” but the key is still used at the restrooms on both HOA 1 & 2 golf courses, bocce ball supplies located by the tennis courts, the ping pong table supplies by the Activity Center and the horseshoe supplies by the softball field.
***Reminder that San Manuel DOT is no longer open to register your vehicle – and someone said that emission testing may now include Pinal County for older vehicles. Check if you need emissions before you go.
***Admin no longer maintains the black binders of contractor information – this information is now available online.
***Trash and Recycling is DELAYED by 1 day this coming week due to Memorial Day.