Two crashes in SaddleBrooke

This past week, two car crashes occurred in SaddleBrooke. The first happened last Tuesday when an unidentified motorist driving West on SaddleBrooke Blvd. turned into a car driving East at the entrance to the Mini-mart. The ambulance was there very quickly as the fire station is less than 500 feet from the site of the crash. No injuries were reported and the damage appeared minimal.
However, several bystanders noted that the shrubs on the median obscure the vision of a driver looking West and that could have contributed to the accident.
A second accident involved a single vehicle in which the driver lost control and drove over the curb into the block wall. The wall was knocked down at the point of impact. This is the 2nd time a vehicle has hit that wall in that location in the past 4 years. No injuries were reported and excessive speed did not appear to be a cause.
Except for SaddleBrooke Boulevard, the roads in SaddleBrooke are privately owned and maintained by the respective HOA boards.