SaddleBrooke UFO sighted: July 4th, Dogs on Cart paths (petition link) and Minit Mart

VIA SBINSIDER| July 7, 2023

4th of July Celebration with a UFO!

High temps and fun dominated SaddleBrooke this past week.  The SaddleBrooke Vistas ballroom featured the musical stylings of Chuck Moses, renowned singer and digital music spinner, coupled with a repast of ribs, beans, corn bread and other all-American favorites. Served buffet style, the dining room and bar area was not quite full but the enthusiasm was there. Chuck provided the live dancing music and the SaddleBrooke crowd took full advantage, boogie woogie away to some oldies and many other tunes.

“We’ re so damn lucky to live in the USA,” remarked one diner who had a bit of barbecue sauce on his handsome visage. Many of the men and ladies were colorfully robed with red, white and blue, honoring the US flag. The liquor flowed freely and the night topped off with the requisite fireworks display despite the temperatures.

Regarding the fireworks, the crowd watched in shock and awe as a UFO (World UFO Day is July 2nd) which seemed to monitor the area surrounding the fireworks zone on the driving range. It may have been a drone, but the Golder Ranch PIO Lydia Camarillo said they did not have one flying. So, was the UFO a spy unit flown by the Chinese? More reporting needs to be done….

Drone or?

Reportedly, several small fires from the remnants of the explosives were sighted and quickly extinguished, by our top-notch firefighters. The show lasted about 25 minutes and the spectators were all in!. A few dog owners complained about the noise pollution.

HOA2 and Golf Paths for dogs?

Reporting indicates that some residents in HOA2 want to mimic the HOA1 policy whereby owners of dogs can walk their canines on the paved golf cart paths. A petition is being circulated and has stirred debate on social media. SBINSIDER will monitor and report if the petition is presented to the HOA2 board for a vote.  No doubt, if proposed this will be a hotly debated. All SaddleBrooke residents can currently come over to the HOA1 golf courses and stroll during specified hours-early AM and later PM after most golfers have 4-putted out. There are benefits to walking the golf paths; No car traffic, the grass is cooler and open spaces feel greatly enhanced.

A petition has been posted that residents can sign here in favor of the dog walking change. 

Minit Mart Repairs

It appears that construction has started to repair the damage done by a distracted or irascible driver from many months ago, as reported here. By positioning a dumpster in front of the damaged port of the facade it would be safe to assume that work has commenced. It will take a long time, due to the damage the driver did-driving through the front wall and stopping at a separating wall in the middle of the strip mall.  It also appears that the facade of the entire building is being prepared for a painting-long overdue too. Stand by. 

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