Robinson wins DAR award!

The DAR Medal of Honor was awarded to a local resident, LTC Ken Robinson! Robison, a resident of SaddleBrooke Ranch. Robinson is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army.
DAR presents only two prestigious awards to American citizens for outstanding contributions to the nation. The DAR Medal of Honor is awarded to native-born American citizens and the Americanism Medal is awarded to naturalized citizens.
Past recipients include Barbara Bush, Tom Brokaw, NASA Flight Director Eugene Kranz, General B.B. Bell, USA Ret. (2014) Vietnam Veteran Donna Roew (2017), Judge John Clifford Wallace (2017), Donald Wayne Pettigrew (2018), Col Leon F. ‘Lee’ Ellis, USAF Ret. (2018), Trace Atkins (2019), Shari L. Duval (2109), artist Mary Whyte (2020), and Major General James E. Livingston (2020), Master Sergeant Christine Falkowski, USA Ret. (2021), and yes me: Ken Robinson, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army (Ret.)!