Republican Voters support Oracle Override Overwhelmingly

VIA SBINSIDER| November 8th, 2023

The generally conservative voters in SaddleBrooke and Oracle overwhemingly supported the continuation of the budget override first approved in 2004. By a 66% to 33% margin in an area of Pinal County that is heavily Republican, strongly showed its support for K-12 education.

Many voters cited the progress made from past bond issues for new and upgraded construction and the public presence of Superintendent Crystle Nehrmeyer advocating for the issue as the reason to approve the measure. “Retirees often feel they no long have skin in the game as they have no minor children, but they are also smart and recognize that better schools benefit the entire area and we owe the next generation the opportunity to succeed,” said several SaddleBrooke voters interviewed by SBINSIDER.

The votes were all by mail ballot only. According to Elections Director Dana Lewis, the ballot processing went very smoothly and she credited her new staff and intensive training. “Since I was appointed we have worked nights and weekends to revamp our processes and get staff to the level needed to insure a fair, transparent reliable election.”

The net effect of the vote simply continues the current tax rate.

SBINSIDER had taken the position that voters should approve the override. 

Across Pinal County school bond issues passed, too. Casa Grande and Eloy districts were also successful with the voters.

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Ron Bechky
Ron Bechky
1 year ago

Duh didn’t the Dems support the override?