Pinal County Property taxes, budget, roads
VIA SBINSIDER| July 8th, 2023
The Pinal County board held its required “truth in taxation” meeting Wednesday, July 5th. At that meeting, they agreed to affirm the prior vote taken on the proposed budget which included a property tax increase and more spending on transportation projects. While the board members made a few comments, only one member of the public urged to the board to reduce taxes in futures years. Todd House, a former board member and declared candidate for District 2 Supervisor, made that remark.
The county’s biggest expenses are public infrastructure, 48%; criminal justice and law enforcement, 23%; general government, 19%; and health, 7%. The total annual budget is $1,021,673,046. ( A tad over 1 billion dollars.)
About 24% of county revenue comes from property tax, followed by 14% from state and federal grants, 12% from state-shared excise tax, 11% from county excise tax and 20% from miscellaneous sources. Smaller revenues come from vehicle license tax, gasoline tax, charges for services and others.
After several consecutive years of cutting the primary property tax rate, the board opted this year to maintain the old rate of $3.56 per $100 of net assessed value. But due to rising property values, total taxes will increase by 4.81% or $5.3 million. A home assessed at $100,000 will pay a total of $356 to the county. On the tax bill you will receive from the County Treasurer in September, Pinal County’s portion is about 25% of the overall bill. Other taxing authorities in SaddleBrooke are Golder Ranch Fire District and Oracle Schools. All taxpayers contribute to the County Community Colleges. At anytime you can view your current tax bill at