Oracle Superintendent wows audience

VIA SBINSIDER| May 13th, 2023
“She is amazing,” was heard regularly from those attending the SaddleBrooke Republican Club left the meeting on Tuesday May 9. Crystle Nehrmeyer, Superintendent of Oracle School District spoke and informed the attendees of goings-on at Oracle School District. When we pay property taxes in SaddleBrooke, those taxes support the Oracle School District.
The Oracle school district is one of 19 school districts in Pinal County with students from preschool to 8th grade. After 8th grade, students can elect to go to high school in Mammoth / San Manual High School or Canyon del Oro in Oro Valley.
The last two years have been years of big change in the Oracle School District. Ms. Nehrmeyer expressed gratitude to the audience for supporting the capital bond that passed in 2019 that brought about some of the changes, including capital improvements for the school from classrooms to libraries.
In addition to the bond, the school gets money from federal entitlements which help train teachers and assist students with special needs. They get additional funds from the School Facilities Board which helps with repairing the roof and supplying an intercom system. The school gets money from the Arizona Tax Credit which helps with field trips, athletics, and after-school enrichment.
With enthusiasm, Ms. Nehrmeyer relayed the successes at the school and a review of the preschool program. Here are school numbers at a glance:
- 80 employees
- 394 students
- 27 certified teachers
- 24 teaching assistants
- 32 kindergarten students
- 30 preschool students
- The Oracle School District site:
In 2024, 3 members of the 5 member board will be up for re-election.
If children are not reading well by third grade, there is a great chance that the student will have problems for balance of his or her time in school. I was very impressed with her knowledge on the question of phonics versus sight reading.Crystle Nehrmeyer answered that it is not totally one or the other, but it takes a combination of skills. A great answer!
I for one was also impressed with her sense of fiscal responsibility and her plan to continue to improve her school district as federal grants due to COVID dry up.