Nadal Chili Missed at Tennis Party
Informed sources close to the SaddleBrooke Tennis club social committee have confirmed rumors that R. Nadal has tentatively agreed to attend the planned 4th of July tennis social. Nadal, known the world over for his award winning chili recipe, plans to enter his concoction at the July 4th tennis social.
NOTE: Raffa Nadal issued a statement from his team last Saturday that due to his success at the Wimbledon tennis tournament, he is unable to attend the SaddleBrooke Tennis Club event. “Raffa was anxious to show off his chili cooking skills but unfortunately, his regular career intervened and he could not compete, said the media contact. “Maybe next year,” Raffa added.
“We are very excited to have a master chili chef competing in our social. While the competition has no prize money, bragging rights on WCT (World Chili tour) is highly coveted, ” added our exclusive SBINSIDER source.
“Any tournament I enter I intend to win, no holding back. I have had some physical challenges of late but with my excellent spice coaches I think I am at the top of my game, said Nadal. “I have spent a lot of time on the phone with Gordon Ramsey too, and he is very tough, but now my flambe is among the best on the tour-it got me my crown in Paris this year, said Nadal.
According to a spokesperson for Nadal, “While Mr. Nadal has a very busy tennis season during the summer, he felt that this particular chili invitation coming from the best tennis\social club in Arizona was too alluring to refuse.
“Only if my day job precludes my attending will I miss it ” said Nadal.
UPDATE Chili Entry # 6 was declared the winner of the chili cook off and a good time was had by all.