Masters gets boost from Libertarian Mark Victor

VIA NEWS REPORTS | November 1st

In a surprise move, Mark Victor the Libertarian candidate for US Senate has officially dropped out of the race and has endorsed  Republican Blake Masters. Victor, who has run unsuccessfully several times for elective office, put out this media statement:

“At my invitation, Blake Masters and I had an unscripted, open, and recorded discussion and exchange of ideas on a variety of issues,” Victor said in a written statement. That ranged from tax and economic policy to the Federal Reserve and same-sex marriage, he said.

“I found Blake to be generally supportive of the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement. Likewise, we found ourselves in general agreement about how to improve America and to advance the cause of freedom and peace. After that discussion, I believe it is in the best interests of freedom and peace to withdraw my candidacy and enthusiastically support Blake Masters for United States Senate. I intend to assist in any way reasonably possible to elect Blake.”

Victor had been polling at around 5% of the vote and in a race that according to polling is a dead heat, those Libertarian voters might cast their ballot for Masters tipping the race to Masters.

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