Loser Blake Jumps into 2024 Senate Race

VIA SBINSIDER| August 31, 2023

Blake Masters who was steamrolled by $79 million in spending by Mark Kelly in the 2022 Senate race, has reportedly decided to run again in a matchup with Independent Kirsten Sinema, and presumptively Democrat nominee Congressman Rueben Gallegos.  It is likely to be the most interesting Senate race in the US this next cycle for a myriad of reasons, most of which is control of the Senate.

First, incumbent Senator Sinema is running as an Independent due to her falling out with the extreme Left-wing of the Democrat party. The socialist Left demanded that she vote to remove the Senate filibuster which would take away the power of the minority (currently GOP) in the Senate to kill favored legislation such as higher taxes (only on the rich of course, wink-wink) pass stronger gun control laws, enact universal health care and a host of other socialist programs. As an Independent she can get on the ballot without the need for a primary. Gallegos is a sitting member of Congress and the darling of the socialist Left, spouting every big government shibboleth he thinks the Marxist wing wants to hear.

Blake failed in part because he could not raise the funds necessary to compete and was abandoned by his key financial backers post-primary. Peter Thiel a California based libertarian multi-billionaire and Trump got Master through the primary in August to the General Election and then watch as his financial support dried up. Senate Leader McConnell publicly declared Masters a loser in refusing to spend money from his funds on the race. Kelly spent $79 million to Masters $15 million, proving once again the Democrats are the big money, Wall Street party which has been true since Bill Clinton made that a priority. 

Meanwhile, Pinal’s Sheriff Mark Lamb is trying to raise a war chest but it has been tough going as many donors are waiting to see if Kari Lake will jump in. She keeps making noises and is currently trying to litigate a long-shot election overturn of her loss to Hobbs in 2022. In the opinion of many activists, Lake really wants the VP slot with Trump.

No Labels ?

A joker in the deck is the No Labels party which has gained recognition in Arizona and could put forth a candidate that would likely take votes away from the Left and Left of Center candidates. Nationally, Democrats are loudly complaining that No Labels could throw the election to any Republican but particularly to Trump.  Too, a No Labels candidate in the Senate race would make it a very hard to call with four possible candidates on the General Election ballot.

Stay tuned.

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Ron Bechky
Ron Bechky
10 months ago

No Labels cannot pull votes in AZ from any D running for Senate. Sinema has violated all the issues she used to get D support. Masters is a Stolen Election as are Lamb and Lake. D’s will be favored with Gallego running against any of these reactionary candidates