Leach concedes Race to Wadsack

VIA SBINSIDER| September 1st
Senator Vince Leach of SaddleBrooke this week conceded the LD-17 Senate race to Justine Wadsack. This concession came in the wake of incorrectly printed ballots for many Pinal voters and a lawsuit on the legal residency of Wadsack by a couple of Leach supporters. In a media release Leach thanked all his supporters but did not congratulate his opponent.
With the 2020 census drawing new boundaries, the old LD-11 become the new LD-17 district and Leach was new to many of the re-drawn district. Wadsack ran for Senate as a team member of the “Arizona Freedom Team” with Cory McGarr and Rachel Jones running for two open House seats. The new district leans strongly Republican and the Democrats have nominated for Senate, Mike Nickerson and Dana Allmond and Brian Radford for the House seats.