HOA2 roadwork continues

VIA SBINSIDER| August 10th, 2023
Roadwork on S. Mountain View Blvd continues this week with the roadway reduced to a single lane as old layers have been dug out and new asphalt is poured. This , in addition to the curb work upgrades making them compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act has created situations where drivers have to be extra careful.
The work has at times made navigation of the intersection at Lago del Oro Parkway and Mountain View Boulevard very tricky with lanes marked by temporary road signs and barriers. At times, drivers sat and waited for the other car to make the first move.
Said one resident ” I was trying to turn west onto Mtn. View and was unsure exactly which lane was actually open and someone else was heading East trying to turn South as we just sat there for a brief time before the other driver decided to dash out and make the southern turn. ”
Fortunately most drivers are taking their time along the construction and no accidents have been reported.