HOA1 Board nixes RidgeCrest Trail walking path

VIA SBINSIDER | September 30th

The HOA1 board entertained a proposal for a walking path in the open space north of the gold driving range. The presentation was made by Bruce Landeck on behalf the SaddleBrooke Hiking  Club.  The club’s proposal stressed that the path was not designed for the hikers but for the residents and springs from the results of a resident’s survey that was taken earlier this year. In that survey, the 2nd most requested amenity was more walking paths inside the development. The Board ultimately voted 5-1 against the proposal. 

In the presentation, Landeck showed outline of the path which would roughly be a triangle shape north of the driving range with a portion of the path leading south across Howlands Highway and then ending at East Rock Ridge Drive. Parking would be in the cul de sac of South Copper Ridge Court or on South Boulder Ridge Drive. (see image above)

In response, board member Char Crossman was the most vigorously opposed in her remarks due to traffic concerns, noise for nearby residents and impact on wildlife. About a half-dozen residents also spoke vehemently against the path, echoing Crossman’s concerns and the impact on their homes in particular. Board Chairman Jim Daily offered a bit of history of past walking path proposals, which also were met with stiff resident resistance, due to location or other factors. and were not adopted. One wag in the audience asked if the Hiking Club had approached HOA2, to a titter of laughs.

The Hiking Club’s proposal was to use existing common area bare spots, below the ridge and sight lines of nearby residents’ homes, as much as possible to preserve the natural environment. So, in the abstract, everyone says they want walking trails but not near their particular house.

At present, because the path outlined is in the HOA common area, there is are no restrictions for residents who want to walk that area.

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Steve Wolf
Steven Wolf
2 years ago

A proper path along Ridgeview would be nice

David D Loendorf
David D Loendorf
2 years ago

Char will be off board soon! Need to make access available from the clubhouse area. A GREAT idea – I stand with the hiking club.

Linda Henriksen
Linda Henriksen
2 years ago

I think one of the big issues is parking. This is not accessed from HOA club house. Walkers would need to park at a small cul d sac or on the street at the other end. Hopefully the Hiking club could get better access to the trail but looking at the map that would have to be across the golf course (ha ha) 🤪 or a trail next to Howland highway. It is a good idea.

Pam Meiring
Pam Meiring
2 years ago

I disagree wholeheartedly with the board’s decision to nix the proposed walking path idea. I have personally often wondered why in the world we do not have a substantial walking path with a community this size! This makes absolutely no sense to me.

barbara Treick
barbara Treick
2 years ago

Seems the big problem is parking cars on a small cul du sac.Would interfere with resident and contractor, mail and waste disposal access.

Beverly Wood Back
2 years ago

YET, additional pickle ball courts are being built in Bobcat Canyon in spite of objections of multiple homeowners on each side:(