HOA1 5 Year Plan Presented, HOA2 Votes are Out


Friday, May 31st HOA1 Board met to review the 5-year plan. The lead writer Joe O’Conner who is following the SWOT schema to create the report. The goals that he outlined are meant to be broad generalizations with reference to the existing Long Range Plan. A subcommittee of the board is taking the goals presented and taking the input of the other board members from this meeting to come back with more finalized goals.

There were no surprises in the presentation and only a half-dozen residents sat through the presentation.

Updating Technology

At the end the board asked for comments. One resident asked the board to consider the adoption of technology that already exists in HOA2. Specifically a phone application for facility access (eliminating fobs), broadcasting the regular board meetings on ZOOM or similar service, which again is already being done in HOA2. The residents would greatly benefit by being able to watch from home, or access the records of the meetings at any time. Too, because 1/3 of the residents are not here in the summer, could watch remotely. Many HOA’s use this technology in the Tucson area already.

Marketing SaddleBrooke Properties

Also, the resident asked which of the board members had worked in real estate, as the goals discussion centered not only the experience of current residents, but what resources to focus on in trying to attract new buyers to SaddleBrooke. None of the current board members have real estate experience. The resident suggested a Realtor Advisory Council of local real estate professionals, that could tell the board what they are hearing from prospective buyers.


The residents are still allowed to vote on the proposed special assessment. The opening of Mt View golf course may happen sometime in June.


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