Fiehler, Leach win LD 17 straw ballot


The SaddleBrooke Republican club hosted a candidate forum for state legislative candidates in the newly drawn Legislative District 17. Arizona elects one Senator and two House representatives from each district.

For Saddlebrook LD 17, SaddleBrooke resident Senator Vince Leach bested his two competitors handily. In the House race, Eagle Crest resident Kirk Fiehler was in first by a substantial amount and Rachel Jones was a strong 2nd place-again the top two vote getters are elected to the House in November.

Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake held on to her lead which she has had since jumping into the race and her endorsement by Donald Trump.

As part of the forum, paper ballots were distributed to the audience for other races and here are the results:

Senate LD 17

Leach         48% 

Barr            25%

Wadsack   27%


State House LD 17

Fiehler   66%  

Orth         17%

Young       23.50%

Jones       47%


For Governor:

Salmon  29%

Robson   23%

Lake      48%


For Attorney General

Hamadeh     33%

Gould             23%

Glassman      42%*

US Senate

Masters    32%

Lamon       36% 

McGuire    32%

Brnovich   0  


Congressional District 6

Ciscomani   50% 

Winn             10%

Free                15  32%


Sec of State

Finchem         76% 

Ugenti-Rita    16%

Bolick                 1%

Friday July 1st the SaddleBrooke Republican club will host a breakfast gathering for a plethora of candidates at the Mountain View County Club.

  • Glassman spoke to the club the day of the straw poll

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Kirk Fiehler
2 years ago

Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the straw poll! Now I’m asking for your vote in the Primary on August 2nd. (or early ballots)