Democrats(!?) host Breakfast for Lamb, Ciscomani!


Every month SaddleBrooke clubs send their notices to the Saddlebag Notes and\or SaddleBrooke Progress. The Progress is published by Robson Inc. another money-making arm of the development company. It contains no real reporting or original content, everything printed is at the behest of SaddleBrooke residents. SaddleBrooke Notes is owned\published by The Arizona Daily Star, and follows the same model of only printing resident generated content. About 2/3rds of the space is devoted to advertising.

All of the advertising money either goes to Pima or Maricopa County, where the papers are headquartered.

Most folks scan either or both in about 2-4 minutes.  Both papers are huge moneymakers as the SaddleBrooke reader is upper income, retired with plenty of cash. Letters to the editor, although listed as available online on the Notes website, when clicked, do not exist.

And that non-SaddleBrooke based staff can lead to problems! Recently, a news item, (Page S28, of the June 2024 issue) that was supposed to promote a breakfast for multiple GOP candidates was published, but the logo added by the non-local-layout staff featured the following:

Kathleen Dunbar, President of the Republican Club, notified the publishers who acknowledged their mistake and promised to fix the online version. But, the breakfast is scheduled for June 29th at 9AM long before the July print edition is delivered by residents.

SaddleBrooke GOP Club President, Kathleen Dunbar

Several residents commented that it is an excellent example of Republican and Democrat bi-partisan support for Lamb for US Senate and Ciscomani for re-election to Congress in CD-6.

Another resident was quoted, ” There are Democrats in SaddleBrooke? Who knew?” She added, “Where do they meet, the basement of the fitness center?”

The Lamb campaign welcomed support from both sides of the political divide.

Tickets for the breakfast are $25 each. To hear Juan Ciscomani, Mark Lamb and others. 

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3 months ago

I am very happy to report that our street is about 80% Democrats. Mark Lamb is a Trump syncophant and a “Stop the Steal” supporter.