Candidates emerge for HOA1 board: Forum Monday the 17th

VIA SBINSIDER| October 16th 

Four candidates have come forth to fill three positions on the HOA1 board. Two of those are supported by the group United SaddleBrooke, those are Bill Bengen and Kathleen Sartoris. The remaining candidates are Thomas Swikoski and Steve Bellacqua. 

A candidate forum will be held Monday, October 17th at 2PM in Vermillion room of the HOA1 clubhouse. At that time, candidates will be presented with questions submitted by residents that have been pre-screened by David Taylor. All other questions can be submitted by the audience BUT the pre-screened questions will be given priority. 

What are the Issues? 

The primary issue that has arisen is the conceptual merging of the two HOA’s. United SaddleBrooke has pushed for more direct dialog between the HOA boards with the purpose of determining the feasibility and obstacles. Currently, the majority of HOA1 board members is the RUA is adequate to meet the current and future needs of the residents. Bill Bengen has asked the provocative question.  “Do you feel frustrated that your suggestions fall on deaf ears? Are you upset that you’re asked to take a survey and your responses are ignored? Do you wonder who the HOA1 Board is accountable to, if not you?” 

Voting will be open from October 21st to November 21st. 



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