Biden v. Trump Debates, Executive Privilege, Hunter NRA Hero


President Biden challenged Donald Trump to two debates. This is unusual in that the office holder usually waits until the contender issues the demand for a debate. Trump responded immediately that he accepted the terms the Biden team proposed without any changes.

This too, is unprecedented in modern presidential debate. 

Usually after a challenge is issued, the back and forth begins until some arrangement suitable to both sides emerges. The debate parameter negotiations (how many, location, moderators, format), are often played in the media to benefit both sides, as it raised awareness of the event(s) and gets some attention from the tiny percentage of the electorate that isn’t paying any attention to Presidential politics. These are however, coveted voters who often pick their choice in the last two weeks of the election and push one other candidate into the winner’s circle.

For many years, an organization called the Commission on Presidential Debates was the key player in organizing the debates-it was a joint creation of the major parties but despite its name, was not in any way connected to government aegis. Both parties in May of this year decided to give the heave-ho to this structure and Biden issued his challenge and terms directly.

The agreed upon dates are June 27th and September 10th.

But, it is early and Trump has a pattern of agreeing to a deal and then the real negotiations begin. We’ll see. 

The Bloviators Take

Lacking the pseudo-drama of debate terms, the talking heads have been trying to fill their airtime with speculation as to why Trump agreed so readily and which candidate benefits most, and which candidate will not actually appear. Stay tuned.

Executive Privilege ??

This week, Biden directed Merrick Garland (who names their kid Merrick?) to not hand over the tape recordings of his interview with Department of Justice Special Counsel Robert Hur to the House Oversight Committee. This request was very odd, in that the world already the transcripts so what legal reason would the President have to not release the tapes?

If you recall, Hur did not recommend any prosecution because “Biden would likely present himself to a jury … as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Ouch. But there was no doubt that Biden had violated the law in terms of holding classified documents as a former Senator, in 3 different personal locations including his garage.

Hunter goes to Trial

Every family has a relative that tends to embarrass the rest of the group-the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving who is certain he saw bigfoot or the nephew who just got out of jail. Well, the Biden family’s black sheep is the 2nd son, Hunter. Recall that the eldest son, Beau, was Joe’s golden boy. A great student, lawyer, veteran and elected as Attorney General of Delaware-Papa Joe was grooming Joseph the 3rd (his real name) for the White House and then Beau passed from cancer at 46. Meanwhile, Hunter was the forgotten child desperate for his father’s attention. He tried many things but turns out his best skill was as a political grifter trading on his father’s name. His uncle Jim Biden, a slick operator in the DC money swamp, took Hunter into the political grifting business and they did quite well for the entire family, including President Joe. So well, that Hunter forgot to pay his taxes, committed a felony on a gun application and a few other assorted crimes while an admitted heavy user of drugs. (We can guess who left the cocaine in the White House.)

Shortly, Hunter goes to trial on the gun charge and the tax evasions. Merrick Garland helped out as much as he could by letting several other tax evasion charges elapse and had approved a sweetheart plea deal to end the ordeal. However, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika was not agreeable and nixed the DOJ free ride. So, Hunter has his day in court on separate trials next month.

One intriguing aspect of Hunter’s gun trial that all gun owners might support is that Hunter is challenging the Constitutionality of the form that the ATF requires for all gun purchases. If Hunter were to prevail, the ATF\DOJ might have to drop the background check entirely. Go Hunter! (Who names their kid Hunter?)

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