Biden hits new low in polls, A-10 to be phased out at DM
VIA Washington Post, and other sources| May 7th
President Joe Biden approval rating has sunk to near its lowest level in this term. (Biden announced he was running for re-election this past week)
BIDEN’S BAD NEWS — It’s a morning of rough headlines for President JOE BIDEN:
Biden’s approval rating is down to 36% in the new Washington Post-ABC poll out this morning. That’s the lowest number of his presidency in the Post-ABC survey, and a drop from February, when he stood at 42%.
That alone would be bad enough for Biden world. But things get worse from there.
In a head-to-head matchup against DONALD TRUMP in 2024:
Trump … 44%
Biden … 38%
Undecided/neither/someone else … 18%
And when undecided respondents are asked who they lean toward, Trump’s lead grows:
Trump … 49%
Biden … 42%
Neither/someone else/ wouldn’t vote … 8%
By publishing this poll, it appears that official Washington (Post, NY Times, etc.) has decided that Biden has done what they wanted by defeating Trump and want a stronger candidate to run in his place. That alternate cannot VP Harris as she polls worse than almost every other hi-profile Democrat. Who will it be?
A-10 to be retired, Davis-Monthan to get F16’s
Tucson stands to gain up to 48 F-16 fighter jets in the next couple of years as the Air Force makes room for the next-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The Warthog close support fighter has been on life support for a number of years as Congress has resisted its demise by the Arizona Congressional Delegations for many years. Now with the inevitable about to happen, Senators Kelly and Sinema got a pledge from the Air Force to keep the money flowing to Tucson via Davis-Mothan with a new aircraft.