9 09, 2021

HOA1 Board needs YOU!

2021-09-09T18:59:24-07:00September 9, 2021|SaddleBrooke News|0 Comments

SBINSIDER | To maintain the high quality of life we SaddleBrooker's enjoy in HOA1 requires the participation of conscientious and committed volunteers to serve on its board of directors. This November, 2 positions are coming open on the board. People need to meet the following requirements to be eligible: Have [...]

19 07, 2021

Checking your Money

2021-07-19T14:20:35-07:00July 19, 2021|Investing|0 Comments

Monday Markets |   MARKETS: YEAR-TO-DATE Nasdaq 14,427.24 +11.94% S&P 4,327.16 +15.20% Dow 34,687.85 +13.33% Bitcoin $31,528.20 +8.71% 10-Year 1.284% +36.5 bps Oil $70.95 +46.23% *Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 12:00am ET. Here's what these numbers mean.

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