Socrates Forum Next Thursday, May 16, 2024


In the final session of this season’s Big Question, Has Science Rediscovered God? we explore the deepest of all the answers to the question with: “What or Who is God?” We will be using the definition of “God” proposed by Saint Anselm (11th century) who attempted to reconcile Greek philosophy with the God of the Bible. He encouraged us to keep elevating our questions and investigation until we reach the greatest conceivable dimension of the subject. So, as we seek to compare an understanding of God derived from science with one derived from philosophy and religion, we will say that God is that “Being” maximally endowed with capabilities in any and all “material” attributes imaginable, i.e., transcendence, power, knowledge, presence; as well as all “immaterial” attributes imaginable, i.e., love, goodness, beauty, justice, redemption and salvation.

Come and participate in this challenging discussion of science and faith between Greg Schrock, director of the local chapter of Reasonable Faith, a national philosophic organization, and Stuart Orr, director of our local Socrates@SaddleBrooke club. They will engage on the topic and then open it up for Q&A and a broad discussion with the audience.

Thursday, May 16th, 4:00-5:30 pm in the Ballroom WEST of the MountainView Country Club, 38759 S. MountainView Blvd. For further information, please contact Dick Hardy, rh********@ao*.com, (440) 773-1065. All are welcome – residents and non-residents.

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