“No-Nickname Governor Walker” Delights SaddleBrooke Crowd

VIA SBINSIDER| March 11th, 2023

Former Governor Scott Walker R-Wisconsin, entertained a hugely receptive audience of about 200 GOP stalwarts at the MountainView Ballroom this past Wednesday. Walker, who is now the President of Young America’s Foundation (YAF), gave a 40-minute briefing on his tenure as Governor, his short run for President in 2016, and his current job with YAF. He remarked that in the 2016 race he “dropped out before he got a nickname” drawing laughs as he was referring to Donald Trump’s propensity to demean his primary opponents with less than flattering monikers.
Walker also chatted about his run for Governor and the subsequent recall funded by the entire teacher’s union structure of the US, which resulted because he’d removed the main funding source for union activities. “We took away forced contributions from payroll checks, and the so-called contributions dropped 80%,” said Walker. He survived the subsequent recall (the first Governor to ever so do) and then lost his 3rd reelection bid in 2018.
Walker also told the crowd that when he visited Guantanamo Bay Cuba, our soldiers had their guns pointed toward the Cuban wall, while the Cuban soldiers had their guns pointed inward-toward their own populous to keep them from trying to escape Castro’s communist “paradise”.
Non-profit Young America’s Foundation is active on college campuses as a counterpoint to the incessant Leftism that dominates the college professorship and administration. It is the steward of the Reagan Ranch in California.
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