Congressman Ciscomani serves a political breakfast in SaddleBrooke

VIA SBINSIDER| July 1st, 2023

Juan Ciscomani, Congressman for AZ-CD6 was the featured speaker at a packed breakfast in the Mt. View Ballroom. About 200 guests heard Ciscomani review his first 6 months in office and detailed his plumb committee assignments on Appropriations  and Veteran’s affairs. He also spoke at length about the Debt Ceiling vote which put off by a year the program to add 87K new IRS agents, did not create any new spending programs and did not raise anyone’s taxes. This was met with a round applause. He also emphasized that his office is hyper-responsive to calls from Veterans in need of assistance with the the VA or any other Federal Program and incidentally, the Defense and Vet’s programs did get a 3% increase in the next budget.

Despite the hardships of travel and work and trying to raise 6 kids remotely, it is clear the Ciscomani relishes his role in Congress. He relates how only a few years ago, he was a newly minted American citizen from Mexico and took an oath to the Constitution then and did again this past January as a newly-elected member of Congress.

Ciscomani took a few questions from the audience and also addressed the Adam Schiff censure procedural vote which upset many conservatives.  He admitted that many SaddleBrooke Republicans did express their displeasure with that vote. Ciscomani voted for the Censure later. (Schiff was censured by the House for his conduct on the Intelligence Committee during the Mueller investigation where it was found that he abused his office and lied about information regarding then President Trump.)

Looking ahead, Ciscomani was mindful of the challenges to hold the House, especially his own seat in AZ-CD6. Already, the DNC has invested millions in advertising against him in the Tucson TV market and has targeted him for defeat. Many Democrats think the Dobbs ruling on abortion will tip the evenly divided district to Kirsten Engel in 2024, his same opponent from 2022. (There was another Democrat interested in running, but the party bosses told him to drop out and last week and he did-a phenomena that never happens in the GOP.)

Kathleen Dunbar, President of the SaddleBrooke Republican Club, was thrilled with today’s breakfast event, “We were told that our group reserved more seats than the 4th of July celebration HOA2 is hosting.” She added, I have known Juan for 20+ years and am very proud he is my member of Congress. We plan to work hard and do everything possible to get him re-elected in 2024. 

SaddleBrooke GOP Club President, Kathleen Dunbar

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Ron Bechky
Ron Bechky
1 year ago

The event wasn’t billed as a Republican event but rather an invitation to all SB residents who aren’t Democrats. Ciscomani has consistently avoided public events with diverse audiences. I hope he becomes more willing to address audiences which may have different views, especially hot button issues like abortion and the border.