The SaddleBrooke Board Game Creator who Writes, Composes Music
SaddleBrooke residents indulge in a myriad of games in formal groups (Bridge) or at informal personal gatherings. (Mexican Train!) Rare is the person who actually can invent and sell board games, but SaddleBrooke’s own, Kevin Brougher is an expert.
Starting early in life playing board games with his family, Kevin enjoyed Monopoly, Password, and Candyland.
In his teacher training, he encountered professors who encouraged future teachers to integrate gaming as a way to solidify learning concepts. One example was the use of Diffy boards for mathematics. As he began teaching in the classroom, his imagination took hold and he invented a game now titled, Word Nerd. From there it was off to the races with over 50 games to his credit and a number of entertainment\learning books directed at kids but amenable to adults.
Kevin started as an elementary school teacher and then moved up to middle school then to high school and taught mathematics. As he invented more games, he encountered the problem common to creative\inventive types; How to market his games and books to a wider audience. The obvious answer would seem to be licensing his works to the major players in the game business. He tried that with a business partner who promised much but delivered very little. Turning to the web, he put all his creations on-line and also got all of books in the Amazon store. Still, the challenge of full-time marketing was and is hard-especially when your passion is developing the games and books.
XMAS is Coming!
If you are a grandparent and are thinking of what you can get your progeny, take a look at Kev’s website. There you will find a plethora of games and books that any grandparent would be proud to gift, but you can be assured that your grandkids will not only be entertained but will definitely learn something in the bargain. His favorite Christmas book that he wrote is Reindolphins as shown below
Which animals will guide Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve? Read it and find out.
Phone Applications?
The world of the under 30 crowd seems to have its eyes fully engaged with the cell phones for much of the day. SBINSIDER asked Kevin if and when, his games would appear on that platform? Kevin admitted that the technical challenges and likely cost to port the games are such, that for the moment, he has not vigorously pursed that market.
Kevin and his wife Chelsy (who is still employed as a travel agent (ch****@tr************.com) are active as Tennis and Pop Tennis players and many outdoor adventures.