Streaming Foreign Movies for Sophisticated SaddleBrooke Viewers
The denizens of SaddleBrooke by and large, have highly refined cultural tastes. We enjoy fine cuisine, vintage wines, travel to exotic realms and esoteric movies.
Our erudite staff has reviewed several movies that have an impact in the viewer on several levels. Unfortunately, these films are foreign-produced and therefore require reading subtitles to enjoy. On the other hand, with the onset of aging, hearing starts to diminish and so many SaddleBrookers already have subtitles turned on for most of their viewing.
Also, you may have to stream (cast) these on your TV via YouTube instead of finding them on NetFlix or Amazon Prime.
The list we suggest:
Lives of Others 2006 :YouTube for $4
Buena Vista International-
German: Das Leben der Anderen
A 2006 German drama film written and directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck marking his feature film directorial debut. The plot is about the monitoring of East Berlin residents by agents of the Stasi, East Germany‘s secret police.
Our residents lived through the Cold War and saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the partition of Germany. This movie makes real the life people live under a totalitarian government.
The Hunt 2012: Included on Amazon
Danish: Jagten
Magnolia Pictures
Set in a small Danish village around Christmas, the film follows a man named Lucas, a divorced kindergarten teacher who becomes the target of mass hysteria after being wrongly accused of sexually abusing a child in his class.[1][6]
The rise of social media has amplified the social phenomena of hysteria and rumour becoming meme’s and “facts.” Gossip is very popular. This movie shows how quickly a person’s life can be ruined by the words of others.
Downfall 2004: free on YouTube
German: Der Untergang
Downfall is a 2004 historical war drama film written and produced by Bernd Eichinger and directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel. It is set during the Battle of Berlin in World War II, when Nazi Germany is on the verge of total defeat, and depicts the final days of Adolf Hitler. The story, based partly on the book by Gertraud Traudl -Junge, Until the Final Hour, formed a part of several dramatizations.
Gertraud “Traudl” Junge was a German editor who worked as Adolf Hitler’s last private secretary from December 1942 to April 1945. After typing Hitler’s will, she remained in the Berlin Führerbunker until his death. Following her arrest and imprisonment in June 1945, both the Soviet and the U.S. militaries interrogated her. Later, in post-war West Germany, she worked as a secretary. In her old age, she decided to publish her memoirs, claiming ignorance of the Nazi atrocities during the war, but blaming herself for missing opportunities to investigate reports about them.
Because of the powerful scenes in the movie and the distance in time from WWII, a parody YouTube channel has posted many clips of Hitler’s raging about American Politics. In order to truly get the humor of the parodies it is essential you watch the move Downfall first.