Sheriff Ross Teeple, other Pinal County officials take their oath

SBINSIDER REPORTING| December 22, 2024

Wednesday, December 18th, was the day for oath taking by all the re-elected or newly elected officials for Pinal County-minus one. Those sworn in for new 4 year terms were:

Left to right below are Rich Vitiello (District 1 Supervisor), Jeffrey McClure (District 4 Supervisor-SaddleBrooke area), Mike Goodman (District 2 Supervisor), Ross Teeple (Sheriff), Dana Lewis (Recorder), Michael McCord (Treasurer), Jill Broussard (School Superintendent), Douglas Wolf (Assessor), Stephen Miller (District 3 Supervisor), Jeff Serdy (District 5 Supervisor).

Rich Vitiello replaced Kevin Cavanaugh as District 1 Supervisor, who lost a primary for Sheriff to Ross Teeple, and then tried to run for Recorder as a write-in candidate.

Newly elected County Attorney, Brad Miller, was unable to attend the ceremony due to a conflict with court appearances.

Notably, State GOP Chair Gina Swoboda appeared to swear in the Treasurer, the Assessor, the Recorder and the Superintendent of Schools. Ross Teeple took his oath from outgoing Sheriff Mark Lamb. It has been speculated that Lamb may go to work in the Trump administration but told SBINSIDER that he had not been offered a position as yet.

Pinal County Sheriff

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