SaddleBrooke Steps Up to Help LA Fire Victims

REPORTED BY SBINSIDER| Sunday, January 2025
A fine example of the type of residents we have here in SaddleBrooke was illustrated by a spontaneous outpouring of concern for those impacted by the fire disaster in Southern California.
Imagine, if within the space of a few hours, you and neighborhood were completely obliterated by a fire. You find yourself with no clothing, no running water, nowhere to sleep. It is about as devastating an event that any human can conceive.
But, on Saturday the 11th, a steady stream of cars filled the cul-de-sac on Borago Court in the Preserve, bearing donations for the fire victims in California. The home of the Eaton’s, opened their large entryway for folks who came bearing donated bags of clothing to be delivered by truck to LA.
The social media message was posted Saturday morning and by noon, the line of cars came with donations. The Eaton’s intended to fill a truck and drive it up to Gilbert where another good Samaritan was planning to drive a semi-trailer on Sunday all donations he gathered to the disaster area and drop off the donations.
A Gilbert AZ couple, Wesley Bender and his wife, posted the call for donations on Instagram and it was re-posted on SaddleBrooke.IO