Residents Arrested by Pinal County Sheriff’s Department for CAM Interference Identified


Clearing of the common areas behind and between homes in HOA2 has been causing a great deal of consternation for some residents. People are angry that the habit areas for wildlife are being swept clear for fire suppression and other safety reasons. The HOA2 board made the decision that this clearing had to be done.

Residents said they had provided the board with a letter from the Audubon Society which strongly recommended against the clearing actions.

Tuesday, August the 6th, two residents, identified as Greg and Janice Shinn whose home backs up to the subject open space, confronted the common area maintenance crew and physically and verbally assaulted them, creating a very dangerous situation. The machinery involved for clearing the areas would easily cause serious injury and death if it came into contact with a human body.

Janice Shinn first approached the CAM crew and tried to get in front of the machinery while filming the process. Then, Greg Shinn shows up and a scuffle ensues. The Pinal Sheriff deputies arrive and take both into their custody and they were subsequently booked at county jail. The booking photos are below:

Janice Shinn

Greg Shinn

Updated Board Response

After the incident, the Shinns were fined by the HOA2 Board for their actions, which, according to an HOA2 board member, has been paid. Legal infractions against the Shinn’s include trespassing which rests with the HOA2 Board discretion and battery and assault against the crew of workers. Those charges would have to be filed by the crew members and or Pinal County.

Neighbors contacted SBINSIDER and told us that the Shinn’s have been bragging about their CAM interference and are moving out of SaddleBrooke.

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Dotti McKee
Dotti McKee
30 days ago

With all the complaints against this insanity, that heartbroken couple should have had a ton of support.

joe cucchiella
joe cucchiella
30 days ago

This is a sad situation. It revolves around the issue of what is known in SB2 as Level 4 and Level 5 clearing of common areas. There is disagreement as whether Level 5 is necessary for fire suppression. Some indicated that Level 4 is all that is indicated for fire suppression. I will note that Robson on cleared/maintained out to Level 4 and the previous GM Damon Williams was adamant about not doing Level 5. While most things become clearer in hindsight, it would have been prudent if the BOD would have shared the Tucson Audubon Society letter with residents during the resident commenting period, I think it would have possibly changed the outcome. By the way, the Audubon letter is on the site you referenced #20643 is the post. I hope you will consider posting it here as it could have a bearing on the future.

Sherri Grupe
Sherri L Grupe
15 days ago

Actually, the residents did not provide the article from the Audubon Society. The HOA2 Board contracted for $385 to have Audubon evaluate the pros and cons of the level 5 clearing method. Audubon strongly recommended that they stop immediately and stated the many reasons the use of heavy machinery and mulching equipment was not only a bad choice but would create many costly and environmental problems for the community and the residents moving forward. The Audubon recommendations were never disclosed by the Board to the residents and were completely ignored in their decision making to move forward. It appears they did not fit with the paradigm of what they wanted.

Ed Wysocki
Ed Wysocki
15 days ago

I find it extremely disheartening that the Pinsl Sheriffs were called to this disagreement. Yhis could hsve been handled by HOA2 Patrol and the ajudicated by the bod eith the two residents. It gives Saddlebrooke a black eye

Ed Wysocki
Ed Wysocki
15 days ago

I find the entire incident quite distressing. This should have been handled by the HOA2 Patrol! Then residents in question told to remove themselves from thr area. If they resused, then the GM should have been called to the site! If that did not improve the situation, then and only then should the Sheriff been notifed. This is a very bad look for Saddlebrooke!

T. Freeman
15 days ago

The fire inspectors and other fire experts agree that the walls with the eight foot section are an excellent fire break. And they have not been doing most of the important areas for fire. Has nothing to do with fire. The rest of all this is overkill, expensive and not recommended. They violated approved policy when they started this project. Shinns have enough background to know how bad this project is. Excellent posts on SBgio bulletin on this MK whole folly. Good before and after photographs. And on the initial arrest.
and everyone knows that some have overspent the HOA overall budget on several follys. No one can afford the pet plans and projects by some of this board.

14 days ago

Typical Karens! Their behavior is entitled and disgusting. It sounds like they didn’t learn from their bad behavior since they were reportedly bragging about their actions.

Last edited 14 days ago by Pam