HOA1 Board Approves Golf Fee Increases, scheduled shut-down of Clubhouse

Both HOA’s Boards were busy this week. It is budget time for both and HOA2 is still struggling with infrastructure costs, particularly with the golf course. HOA1 by contrast, has a solid financial position with well funded reserves but some major projects contemplated.
Mike Roddy, HOA1 Director of Golf Operations, presented his plan for the next year’s fee structure and other improvements that are needed to maintain the courses. In the end, the Board approved the Golf Fee increases. For those who pay an annual fee for all you can play the annual fee with increase about $10 a month.
John Reed, HOA1 Director of Operations, reported on all the projects that are being undertaken. In three different areas, Reed pointed out the need repairs due to run-off. The Board approved the needed studies\repairs. Reed also reported that progress on the planning process and money spent for a new activities center. Reed has met with all the groups that are most likely to use the space to gather feedback on the design of the building. Overall, the cost to get ready (plans, variances) to begin building is budgeted at $91,000. The salient obstacle will likely be with Pinal County Planning on getting the variance for the new parking lot design.
Click here to see the John Reed presentation.
October 4th Budget Marathon Session
For those more nerdy about finance for HOA1, October 4th is a day long exercise of the budget process. All residents are invited to attend and ask questions beginning at 8AM and lasting until 2pm with a break for lunch. The meeting will be held at the Activity Center. Here is the link (you need to login to your HOA1 account to see this page).
HOA2 Board
Dealing with a deficit in operations for Golf was the primary topic. Also, rules updates and changes especially for driving over the speed limit ticketing. Fines could be going up to make violations more costly. The new fine structure will be put to the residents for a 21 comment period.