Harris’ 2019 Presidential Promises- Now Price Controls and Taxing 401K’s?
Until she dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Primary race Kamala Harris was the apotheosis of the Left’s dreams for remaking America. Taking positions to the extreme Left of self-admitted socialist Bernie Sanders, Harris tried to be the alternative to Sanders over-the-hill age and Biden’s centrism. She failed. At her best, she received 2% of the primary votes.
Still, Biden had promised to choose a woman for VP and to add diversity, a women of color! This statement implies that people of different races axiomatically see the world differently from the White majority and therefore their voices must be heard. After, is that not what democracy means? Setting aside the presumption that Black, or Hispanic or Asians by virtue of color think alike, vote alike and act alike is blatantly racist. The entire idea of Dr. King was the people should be judged by the content of their character, not their skin color. But alas, Democrats have exploited perceived victimhood for all people of color and win electoral majorities on that basis.
Harris’ 2020 Political Plans
We recognize that most politicians overpromise and underdeliver. This is a feature, not a bug. Political promises are visions of the ideal and after getting elected, the reality of what it takes to actually enact a law that is close to what was promised, is very difficult. But, voters instinctively understand this and cut them slack.
2019 Promises by Harris
Harris however, went all in to try and capture the 2020 nomination. Here are a few of the 2019 lowlights:
Universal Health Care: Which would eliminate any 3rd party private insurance-full socialized medicine (Medicare for All)
Mandatory Gun-buy backs for all “assault weapons”: She cannot define what exactly is an assault weapon, but if Harris had her way if would be any rifle that fires more than one shot at at time, as she is also in favor of banning high-capacity magazines.
Climate Change: As California’s attorney general, Harris launched an investigation into Exxon Mobil in 2016, after reports that the oil and gas giant lied for decades about the risks of climate change. (Assuming anyone has a clue as to what those risks might be.) She has a 100 percent lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters, which tracks lawmakers’ voting records on energy and environmental issues. So, she wants to eliminate any transportation use of fossil fuels or any other CO2 emitting devices.
Defund the Police: Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning” on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were “militarizing police” but “defunding public schools.” “We need to have this conversation and critically examine and understand this is not working,” “It’s not working. So, this is an important conversation and not just a conversation – cause to your earlier point, can’t just be about talk. It has to be about forcing change.”
Total Ban on Fracking: As part of the Green New Deal fracking was on the cutting table as it produces fossil fuels. (Now, she says she wants “tighter regulations” whatever that means. Truth is, she is rewarding the greenmailing billionaires who fund her campaign. )
Immigration and border security: Wants to “re-examine” ICE. Supports DACA. Opposes a border wall. (Was made Border Czar by Biden and told immigrants “Don’t Come” which resulted in at least 5 million illegal immigrants crossing our southern border.
Free College: Harris does not want student loan borrowers to pay back the money. What she really wants is for all college tuition to be “free” paid for by the people with jobs. Or, we can just borrow the money.
Taxes -Adios to 401K’s and other tax-deferred accounts 2024
One of the best vehicles for retirement savings is an IRA or even better, a Roth-IRA. The money accumulates tax free until it is withdrawn, presumably at age 65 or so when it becomes part of your income. The gains made during the growth phase is Harris’ target. She proposes to tax “unrealized” gains which sounds like a contradiction. In simple terms, you gain today but government also takes a piece of the action. What happens the next year if you lose money? Oh, those are just details-cue the Kamala laugh-track.
Mortgage Forgiveness Too?
Harris has also hinted at making it easier for anyone with an FHA or VA mortgage to avoid foreclosure. This after Biden has already loosened qualifying for those same loans-so expect more defaults and the taxpayer’s eating the losses.
Will Trump have the wherewithal to take advantage of her economic ignorance ? The media will not help the Republicans, of that we can be certain.