RFK Jr. a Heretic?

SBINSIDER NEWS\OPINION| February 1st, 2025

The strangest Senate confirmation hearing I have witnessed in my fifty years of watching politics occurred this week with the RFK Jr. session on his possible appointment to head the Department of Health and Human Services.

HHS oversees a huge portion of the Federal Budget, including Medicare, Medicaid and a host of regulatory agencies.

It is topsy-turvy. Or perhaps closer to Alice in Wonderland.

While the Bernie Sanders baby clothing questions were high comedy, the salient interview was the back and forth between Senator Elizabeth Warren demanding that RFK pledge to not sue pharmaceutical companies on behalf of the Federal Government. This is as if President Trump had ordered the Secretary of Homeland Security to pledge that the Southern border was now open for any and all comers-walk right in! Senator Warren has spent her political life aggressively attacking the finance industry and other bogeymen of the oligarchy. She is an outrage machine who can be counted on the lose her mind when the moment calls. This week, the veins in her neck were stretched to their extreme and her voice at a volume unheard in 99% of Senate deliberations. It was primal.

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One of the primary jobs of HHS Secretary (via the FDA) is to protect the American people from prescription drugs that might cause harm to an unacceptable level of recipients. Why would a US Senator demand that the pending Secretary pledge to not fulfill his sworn obligation? The easy answer is RFK is Trump’s pick. But it goes further. RFK Jr. is part of the only royal family in recent American history, the Kennedy’s. His uncle was the Camelot President, JFK. His father was assassinated. His uncle Teddy, the “Lion of the Senate.” His sister Caroline called Bobbi a “predator” because he has pet Falcons and Bobbi preys on humans. They are from Massachusetts, as is Warren. To her and her fellow progressives, Bobbi has become a pawn of Trump and worse, an apostate. Maybe the water in Massachusetts has something weird in it to cause such hysteria-after all, the infamous Salem Witch Trials are a part of their history.

So, if confirmed, what is the harm that RFK might cause? Warren listed the regulatory powers and his cozy ties with lawyers that sue Fortune 1000 corporations for all kinds of alleged violations. Is she supposing that he will suddenly become a corporate lackey? No, she is more afraid that RFK will question the “settled science” which could lead to the removal of fluoride from the water supply or some such nonsense.

RFK has been very skeptical of the science backing up the safety of vaccines. He points to the huge increase of autism and many other childhood maladies that forty years ago were miniscule. RFK did not say that there was a direct correlation between that increase and the concomitant number of “standard” childhood vaccinations. Just raising the question was heresy. The drug industry has had a free hand persuading the FDA to approve them and MD’s have been supine is response. The technocrats that run the Federal Government have had free rein for many years and RFK threatens their status.

When Congress passes troublesome laws and depending upon which industry is impacted, their lobbyists always tell their clients “We’ll fix this in the regulatory process.” which they often do, out of sight of the media. The lobbyists actually make more fees when they have to go the backup route via the regulators and administrative law courts. The retainer fees go up and the billable hours too. Everybody wins.

On the other side of the aisle, Republicans are hesitant to commit to voting for RFK due to his pro-abortion stance and his career history as a liberal Democrat which used to be anathema to conservatives. However, they are more afraid of Trump and voting against his picks for the Cabinet.

Conservative activists are not agitating against any of Trump’s picks which is a bit surprising but they are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Part of our DNA is anti-establishment and RFK, Gabbard, Patel et. al. seems to fit that mold. Trump did assist in delivering a Senate Majority, holding the House and the SCOTUS has handed down decisions inline conservative thinking, thanks to Trump’s picks. So, they may make some noise but in the end, are likely to confirm his choice of RFK.

Matt Gaetz was Trump’s give away pick, but he is not going to give any more

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Sven Sandblom
Sven Sandblom
9 days ago

This article is right on. Maybe we’ll rid the medical corruption and become focused on getting
our health back instead of being last on the health list of the 10-12 wealthiest countries in the